Tuesday 12 June 2012



Aptitude Questions

1. There is a merry-go-round race going on.One person says,"1/3 of those in front of me and 3/4
of those behind me, give the total number of children in the race". Then the number of children
took part in the race? (repeated from previous papers)
Ans : 13
[ Assume there are x participants in the race.In a round race,no: of participants in front of a person wil be
x-1 an that behind him wil b x-1. i.e, 1/3(x-1) + 3/4(x-1) = x ; solving x = 13 ]
2. In an Island the natives lie and visitors speak truth. A man wants to know whether a salesman beside
him in a bar is a native or visitor. He asked him to ask a woman beside him whether she is a native or
visitor. He replied "she says she is a visitor". Then he knew that the salesman is a native or visitor.
salesman is in which category , native or visitor?
Ans : Native
[ Draw table and see ]
3.A man fixed an appointment to meet the manager, Manager asked him to come two days after the day before
the day after tomorrow. Today is Friday. When will the manager expect him? (repeated from previous papers)
Ans: Monday

[Don't confuse it with Tuesday.the correct answer is Monday]

5.A man said he spent 1/6 of his as a child, 1/12 as salesman in a liquor shop, 1/7 and 5 years as a politician
and a good husband respectively. At that time Jim was born. Jim was elected as Alderman four years back.when he
was half of his age. What is his age? (repeated from previous papers)
Ans: 84 years
[Assume that he lived x years.
X/6 + x/12 + x/7 + 5 + 4 + x/2 = x. Solving x= 84, Same as Question in Shakundala Devi book]
6.Jack,Doug and Ann, 3 children had a running race while returning from school.Mom asked who won the race.
Then Jack replied" I wont tell u.I wil give u a clue,When Ann takes 28 steps Doug takes 24 steps, meantime
I take 21 steps. Jack explained that his 6 steps equals Droug's 7 steps and Ann's 8 steps. Who won the race? (repeated from previous papers)
Ans: Doug
[ Ann steps = 8,16,24,28 --- finished by 3 & half full steps
Doug steps=7,14,21,24 --- finished before 3 & half full steps
Jack steps= 6,12,18,21 --- finished by 3 & half full steps
So Doug won the race ]
7. Every day a cyclist meets a car at the station.The road is straight and both are travelling in the same direction.
The cyclist travels with a speed of 12 mph.One day the cyclist comes late by 20 min. and meets the car 5miles before
the Station. What is the speed of the car?
Ans: 60 mph
[Very similar to Shakuntala Devi puzzles to puzzle you problem no: 38 ]

9.A lady goes for shopping. She bought some shoestrings. 4 times the number of shoestrings, she bought pins and 8 times,
handkerchiefs. She paid each item with their count as each piece's cost. She totally spent Rs. 3.24.How many handkerchiefs
did she buy? (repeated from previous papers)
10. Complete the series :
a) 3,6,13,26,33,66,____(repeated from previous papers)
b) 364,361,19,16,4,1,___( " " " )
Ans : a) 63
b) 1

11. Lucia is a wonderful grandmother. Her age is between 50 and 70.Each of her sons have
as many sons as they have brothers. Their combined number gives Lucias age. What is the age?

Ans: 64

12.There are two towers A and B. Their heights are 200ft and 150ft respectively and the
foot of the towers are 250ft apart. Two birds on top of each tower fly down with the same
speed and meet at the same instant on the ground to pick a grain. What is the distance
between the foot of tower A and the grain?

13 Grass in lawn grows equally thick and in a uniform rate.
It takes 40 days for 40 cows and 60 days for 30 cows to eat the whole of the grass.
How many days does it take for 20 cows to do the same?

Ans: 120

13. Four tourists A,B,C,D and four languages English, German, French and Italian.
They are not able to converse among themselves in one language.
Though A does not know English he can act as an interpreter between B and C.
No one spoke both French and German. A knows German and was able to converse with D
who doesnt know a word in German. Only one language was spoken by more than two persons.
Each spoke two languages. Find who spoke what.

Ans : A- German,Italian
B- French,Italian
c- German,English
D- Italian,English

14. There is a five digit number. It has two prime digits (1 is not a prime number).
Third digit is the highest. Second digit is the lowest. First digit is one less
than the third digit. The fifth digit is half of the fourth. The sum of 4th and 5th is
less than the first. Find the number.

Ans 71842

15.6. Four persons A, B, C and D are playing cards. Each person has one card, laid down
on the table below him, which has two different colours on either side.
No card has the same color on both sides. The colours visible on the table are Red,
Green, Red and Blue respectively. They see the color on the reverse side and give the
following comment.
A: Yellow or Green
B: Neither Blue nor Green
C: Blue or Yellow
D: Blue or Yellow
Given that out of the 4 people 2 always lie find out the colours on the cards each person.

Ans: A- Yellow
B- Yellow
C- Green
D- Red
16. A 1 k.m. long wire is held by n poles. If one pole is removed, the length of the gap
becomes 12/3m. What is the number of poles initially?


17. Find the digits X,Y,Z
Y Y Y Y +
Ans: X Y Z
9 1 8
18. A man starts walking at 3 pm . ha walks at a speed of 4 km/hr on level ground and at a speed of
3 km/hr on uphill , 6 km/hr downhill and then 4 km/hr on level ground to reach home at 9 pm.
What is the distance covered on one way?
Ans: 12 km
19. A grandma has many sons; each son has as many sons as his brothers. What is her age if its the product
of the no: of her sons and grandsons plus no: of her sons?(age b/w 70 and 100).

Ans: 81
20. An electric wire runs for 1 km b/w some no: of poles. If one pole is removed the distance b/w each pole
increases by 1 2/6 (mixed fraction). How many poles were there initially?
21. There is a church tower 150 feet tall and another catholic tower at a distance of 350 feet from it which
is 200 feet tall. There is one each bird sitting on top of both the towers. They fly at a constant speed
and time to reach a grain in b/w the towers at the same time. At what distance from the church is the grain?
Ans: 90
22. A person wants to meet a lawyer and as that lawyer is busy he asks him to come three days after the before day
of the day after tomorrow? on which day the lawyer asks the person to come?

ans: thursday

23. A person is 80 years old in 490 and only 70 years old in 500 in which year is he born?

ans: 470

24.A person says that their speed while going to a city was 10mph however while returning as there is no much
traffic they came with a speed of 15mph. what is their average speed?

ans: 12mph

25. There is a peculiar island where a man always tells truth and a women never says two 2 consecutive truth
or false statements that is if she says truth statement then she says false statement next and vice versa.
A boy and girl also goes in the same way. one day i asked a child " what r u a boy or a girl" however the
child replied in their language that i dint understand but the parents knew my language and one parent replied
that " kibi is a boy" the other one said that "no kibi is a girl, kibi lied".
a: is kibi a boy or a girl
b: who ansered first mother or father?

ans: kibi is a girl and mother answered first.

26. The boy goes to school reaches railway station at his 1/3 of his journey& mill at 1/4 of his journey the time
taken him to walk between railway station & mill is 5 mins. Also he reaches railway station at 7.35amwhen he
started from house& when he reaches school?

Ans: 7:15to8.15

27. if a person is sitting in a exam having 30 questions (objective type)
the examiner use the formula to calculate the score is S=30+4c-w here c is number
of correct answer and w is number of wrong answer , the examiner find the score
is more than 80, tell how may questions are correct ? if the score is little less
but still more than 80 then u wont be able to answer.

ans :- 16

28. if a person having 1000 rs and he want to distribute this to his five children
in the manner that ecah son having 20 rs more than the younger one , what will
be the share of youngest child

ans- 160

29.raju having some coins want to distribute to his 5 son , 5 daughter and driver
in a manner that , he gave fist coin to driver and 1/5 of remaining to first
son he again gave one to driver and 1/5 to 2nd son and so on....
at last he equally distributed all the coins to 5 daughters.
how many coins raju initially have???


30.if ravi binded his book and the binder cut the pages of the book , ravi
decided to mark the pages by himself own , what he found that number of three
appears 61 times find of number of pages answer

ans - 300

31. a painter went in a exhibition to purchases some pictures where T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z
pictures were remaining , he want to buy only five in the condition on that
if T is there then X should not be there,
if U is there than y should be there
if if v is there then X should be there

which is the combination the painter can have
(a) T,U,V,W,Y

ans (d)

32.There are 100 men in town. Out of which 85% were married, 70% have a phone, 75% own a car, 80% own
a house. What is the maximum number of people who are married, own a phone, own a car and own a house ? ( 3 marks)

Sol: 15%
33. There are 10 Red, 10 Blue, 10 Green, 10 Yellow, 10 White balls in a bag. If you are blindfolded
and asked to pick up the balls from the bag, what is the minimum number of balls required to get a
pair of atleast one colour ? ( 2 Marks)

Sol :6 balls.
34. Triplet who usually wear same kind and size of shoes, namely, Annie, Danny, Fanny. Once one of them
broke a glass in kitchen and their shoe prints were there on floor of kitchen. When their mother asked
who broke Annie said, I didnt do it; Fanny said Danny did it; Danny said Fanny is lieing;
here two of them are lieing, one is speaking truth. Can you find out who broke it ? (3 Marks)

Sol : Annie
35. 4 players were playing a card game. Cards had different colours on both sides. Neither of cards had
same colour on both sides. Colours were 2 Red, 2 Blue, 2 Green, 2 Yellow. Cards were lying in front of
each player. Now, each player knew the colour on other side of his card. They are required to tell their colour.
Statement given by each of them was :
Annie : Blue or Green
Bobby : Neither Blue nor Green
Cindy : Blue or Yellow
Danny : Blue or Yellow
colours of cards that are visible to all were Red, Blue, Green, Blue in order of their names.
Exactly two of them are telling truth and exactly two of them are lieing. Can you tell the colour
on other face of card for each player ? (6 Marks)

Sol : Annie : Yellow (Lieing)
Bobby : Yellow (Telling truth)
Cindy : Blue (Telling truth)
Danny : Green (Lieing)
36. In a game i won 12 games, each game if i loose i will give u one chocolate, You have 8 chocolates how
many games played.

Ans : 32

38. 75 persons Major in physics, 83 major in chemistry, 10 not at major in these subjects
u want to find number of students majoring in both subjects

Ans 68.

39. if A wins in a race against B by 10 mts in a 100 Meter race. If B is behind of A by 10 mts.
Then they start running race, who will won?

Ans A

40. A+B+C+D=D+E+F+G=G+H+I=17
given A=4.Find value of G and H?

41. One guy has Rs. 100/- in hand. He has to buy 100 balls. One football costs Rs. 15/, One Cricket ball
costs Re. 1/- and one table tennis ball costs Rs. 0.25 He spend the whole Rs. 100/- to buy the balls.
How many of each balls he bought?

ans :F=3,T=56,C=41

42. The distance between Station Atena and Station Barcena is 90 miles. A train starts from Atena towards
Barcena. A bird starts at the same time from Barcena straight towards the moving train. On reaching the
train, it instantaneously turns back and returns to Barcena. The bird makes these journeys from Barcena to
the train and back to Barcena continuously till the train reaches Barcena. The bird finally returns to Barcena and rests. Calculate the total distance in miles the bird travels in the following two cases:
(a) The bird flies at 90 miles per hour and the speed of the train is 60 miles per hour.
(b) the bird flies at 60 miles per hour and the speed of the train is 90 miles per hour

Ans: time of train=1hr.so dist of bird=60*1=60miles

43. A tennis championship is played on a knock-out basis, i.e., a player is out of the tournament when
he loses a match.
(a) How many players participate in the tournament if 15 matches are totally played?
(b) How many matches are played in the tournament if 50 players totally participate?

Ans: (a)16

44.When I add 4 times my age 4 years from now to 5 times my age 5 years from now, I get 10 times my
current age. How old will I be 3 years from now?

Ans:Age=41 years.

45.A rich merchant had collected many gold coins. He did not want anybody to know about them.
One day, his wife asked, "How many gold coins do we have?" After pausing a moment, he replied,
"Well! If I divide the coins into two unequal numbers, then 37 times the difference between the
two numbers equals the difference between the squares of the two numbers." The wife looked puzzled.
Can you help the merchant's wife by finding out how many gold R


46. A set of football matches is to be organized in a "round-robin" fashion, i.e., every participating
team plays a match against every other team once and only once. If 21 matches are totally played,
how many teams participated?

Ans :7

47. Glenn and Jason each have a collection of cricket balls. Glenn said that if Jason would give him
2 of his balls they would have an equal number; but, if Glenn would give Jason 2 of his balls,
Jason would have 2 times as many balls as Glenn. How many balls does Jason have?

Ans: 14

48. Suppose 8 monkeys take 8 minutes to eat 8 bananas.
a) How many minutes would it take 3 monkeys to eat 3 bananas?
(b) How many monkeys would it take to eat 48 bananas in 48 minutes

Ans: a)48

49. It was vacation time, and so I decided to visit my cousin's home. What a grand time we had!
In the mornings, we both would go for a jog. The evenings were spent on the tennis court. Tiring
as these activities were, we could manage only one per day, i.e., either we went for a jog or played
tennis each day. There were days when we felt lazy and stayed home all day long. Now, there were 12
mornings when we did nothing, 18 evenings when we stayed at home, and a total of 14 days when we jogged
or played tennis. For how many days did I stay at my cousin's place?

Ans : 22 days

50 A 31" x 31" square metal plate needs to be fixed by a carpenter on to a wooden board. The carpenter
uses nails all along the edges of the square such that there are 32 nails on each side of the square.
Each nail is at the same distance from the neighboring nails. How many nails does the carpenter use?

Ans :124

51. A man starts his walking at 3PM from point A, he walks at the rate of 4km/hr in plains and 3km/hr in hills to reach the point B.
During his return journey he walks at the rate of 6km/hr in hills and 4km/hr in plains and reaches the point A at 9PM.
What is the distance between A and B?

Ans: 12km

52.2. A boy asks his father, " what is the age of grand father?". Father replied " He is x years old in x^2 years", and also said, "we are talking
about 20th century". what is the year of birth of grand father?

Ans: 1892

53. A boy travels in a scooter after covering 2/3rd of the distance the wheel got punctured he covered the remaining distance by walk.
Walking time is twice that of the time the boys riding time. How many times the riding speed as that of the walking speed?

Ans: 4 times.

54. In a Knockout tournament 51 teams are participated, every team thrown out of the tournament if they lost twice. How many matches to
be held to choose the winner?

Ans: 101 matches

55. A man sold 2 pens. Initial cost of each pen was Rs. 12. If he sell it together one at 25% profit and another 20% loss. Find the amount of loss
or gain, if he sells them seperately.

Ans: 60 Paise gain

56. Find the 3 digit no. whose last digit is the squareroot of the first digit and second digit is the sum of the other two digits.

57. Meera was playing with her brother using 55 blocks.She gets bored playing and starts arranging the blocks such that the no. of blocks in each row is
one less than that in the lower row. Find how many were there in the bottom most row?

Ans: 10

58. Two people are playing with a pair of dies. Instead of numbers, the dies have different colors on theirsides. The first person wins if the same color
appears on both the dies and the second person wins if the colors are different. The odds of their winning are equal. If the first dice has 5 red sides
and 1 blue side, find the color(s) on the second one.

Ans: 3 Red, 3 Blue

59. A person travels in a car with uniform speed. He observes the milestone,which has 2 digits. After one hour he observes another milestone
with same digits reversed. After another hour he observes another milestone with same 2 digits separated by 0. Find the speed of the car?

Ans : 45

60. Three persons A, B &C went for a robbery in different directions and they theft one horse, one mule and one camel.
They were caught by the police and when interrogated gave the following statements
A: B has stolen the horse

B: I didn't rob anything.

C: both A & B are false and B has stolen the mule.

The person who has stolen the horse always tell the truth and

The person who has stolen the camel always tell the lie.

Find who has stolen which animal?


A- camel

B- mule

C- horse

61. One quarter of the time till now from midnight and half of the time

remaining from now up to midnight adds to the present time. What is the present time?

62. After world war II three departments did as follows First department gave some tanks to 2nd &3rd departments equal to the
number they are having. Then 2nd department gave some tanks to 1st & 3rd departments equal to the number they are having.
Then 3rd department gave some tanks to 2nd &1st departments equal to the number they are having. Then each department has 24 tanks.
Find the initial number of tanks of each department?

Ans ;




63. A, B, C, D&E are having their birthdays on consecutive days of the week not ecessarily in the same order. A 's birthday comes before G's
as many days as B's birthday comes after E's. D is older than E by 2 days. This time G's birthday came on wednesday. Then find the day
of each of their birthdays?


Birthday of D on SUNDAY

Birthday of B on MONDAY

Birthday of E on TUESDAY

Birthday of G on WEDNESDAY

Birthday of A on THURSDAY

64. A girl 'A' told to her friend about the size and color of a snake she has seen

in the beach. It is one of the colors brown/black/green and one of the sizes 35/45/55.

If it were not green or if it were not of length 35 it is 55.

If it were not black or if it were not of length 45 it is 55.

If it were not black or if it were not of length 35 it is 55.

a) What is the color of the snake?

b) What is the length of the snake?


a) brown

b) 55

65. There are 2 pesons each having same amount of marbles in the

beginning. after that 1 person gain 20 more from second person n he

eventually lose two third of it during the play n the second person

now have 4 times marble of what 1st person is having now.

find out how much marble did each had in the beginning.

ANSWER - 100 each

66. A lady was out for shopping. she spent half of her money in buying A

and gave 1 doller to bagger. futher she spent half of her remaining

money and gave 2 doller to charity. futher she spent half of

remaining money n gave 3 dollor to some childrans. now she has left

with 1 doller. how much she had in the beginning?

Ans $42

67. There are certain diamonds in a shop.

1 thief stole half of diamonds and 2 more.

2 thief stole half of remaining and 2 more

3. same as above

4 same as above.

5 came nothing was left for that.

how many dimands was there???

Ans 60 diamonds

68. There are three frens A B C.

1. Either A or B is oldest

2. Either C is oldest or A is youngest.

Who is Youngest and who is Oldest?

Ans A is youngest n B is oldest.

69. Father says my son is five times older than my daughter. my wife is 5

times older that my son. I am twice old from my wife and altogether

(sum of our ages) is equal to my mother 's age and she is celebrating

her 81 birthday. so what is my son's age?

70.. In Mulund, the shoe store is closed every Monday, the boutique is closed every Tuesday, the grocery store is closed every Thursday
and the bank is open only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Everything is closed on Sunday.

One day A, B, C and D went shopping together, each with a different place to go. They made the following statements:

A D and I wanted to go earlier in the week but there wasnt day when we could both take care of our errands.
B I did not want to come today but tomorrow I will not be able to do what I want to do.
C I could have gone yesterday or the day before just as well as today.
D Either yesterday or tomorrow would have suited me.

Which place did each person visit ?





71. Fodder, pepsi and cereale often eat dinner out.

each orders either coffee or tea after dinner.
if fodder orders coffee, then pepsi orders the drink that cereale orders
if pepsi orders coffee, then fodder orders the drink that cereale doesnot oder
if cereale orders tea, then fodder orders the drink that pepsi orders
which person/persons always orders the same drink after dinner ?


72. At a recent birthday party there were four mothers and their children. Aged 1,2,3 and 4. from the clues below can you work out whose
child is whose and their relevant ages ?

It was janes childs birthday party.
Brian is not the oldest child.
Sarah had Anne just over a year ago.
Lauras Child will be next birthday.
Daniel is older than Charlie is.
Teresas child is the oldest.
Charlie is older than Lauras child.
Ans: Jane Charlie -3

Laura Brian 2

Teresa Daniel 4

Sarah Anne - 1

73. We are given 100 pieces of a puzzle. If fixing two components together is counted as 1 move ( a component can be one piece or an already fixed set of pieces),
how many moves do we need to fix the entire puzzle.

Ans: 99

74. Two guys work at some speed...After some time one guy realises he has done only half of the other guy completed which is equal to half of
what is left !!! #$%#$ So how much faster than the other is this guy supposed to do to finish with the first.

75. There is a square cabbage patch.He told his sister that i have a larger patch than last year and hence
more cabbages thios year.Then how many cabbages i have this year.?


76. There are three guesses on the color of a mule

1 says:itz not black

2 says:itz brown or grey

3 says: itz brown

Atlest one of them is wrong and one of them is

true.....Then whatz the color of mule?

Ans: Grey

77. Jim,Bud and sam were rounded up by the police yesterday. because one

of them was

suspected of having robbed the local bank. The three suspects made

the following statements

under intensive questioning.

Jim: I'm innocent

Bud: I'm innocent

Sam: Bud is the guilty one.

If only one of the statements turned out to be true, who robbed the


78. There are two containers on a table. A and B . A is half full of

wine, while B, which is twice A's size,

is onequarter full of wine . Both containers are filled with water

and the contents are poured into a

third container C. What portion of container C's mixture is wine ?


79. A man was on his way to a marriage in a car with a constant speed.

After 2 hours one of the tier is punctured and it took 10 minutes to replace it.

After that they traveled with a speed of 30 miles/hr and reached the marriage

30 minutes late to the scheduled time. The driver told that they would be

late by 15 minutes only if the 10 minutes was not waste.

Find the distance between the two towns?

Ans: 120 miles

80. A bargainhunter bought some plates for $ 1.30 from a sale on saturday,where price 2cents was marked off at each article .On monday she went to return them at regular prices,and bought some cups and saucers from that much amount of money only.the normal price of plate were equal to the price of 'one cup and one saucer'.

In total she bought 16 items more than previous. saucers were only of 3 cents hence she brought 10 saucers more than the cups,

How many cups and saucers she bought and at what price?

Ans: 8,18 Price: 12,3.

81. Mr. T has a wrong weighing pan.One arm is lengthier than other.1

kilogram on left balances 8 melons on right.1 kilogram on right

balances 2 melons on left.If all melons are equal in weight,what is

the weight of a single melon?

Ans:200 gms

82. A card boarb of 34 * 14 has to be attached to a wooden box and a total

of 35 pins are to be used on the each side of the cardbox.Find the total

number of pins used .

Ans: 210

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