Monday 25 June 2012


Hello All,
I hope this new initiative to keep you well informed about campus Interviews
placement experience will be useful to you.

Get the basics right and the work is done.
It does not matter much what you have done in the past. But your pre-placement preparation matter a lot. This is the time that you get into your best and concentrate on the essential.

There are 4 essentials that are given below, they are
1. Recruitment Procedure
2. Preparation Guide
3. Books
4. Teaser Questions

Let me first explain how a company conducts recruitment.

Recruitment Procedure
1. Pre-Placement Talk ( PPT ) ( Optional )
2. Candidate Selection ( Optional )
3. Aptitude Test ( Optional )
4. Group Discussion ( Optional )
5. Interview ( Required )
Note: Optional/Required denotes that, it may or may not be conducted by the company.
1. Pre-Placement Talk 
This is what they generally call as PPT. In a PPT, the recruiting people will give a
presentation ( It may include company history, area of expertise, certification level, working
environment, salary details, etc ). Almost every company gives a PPT. It is better that you
attend the PPT, to better understand the company and sometimes they ask you what felt
about the PPT in interview. Please don?t take notes during PPT.

2. Candidate Selection 
In this step they select the candidates for the next step. This is done based on some
criteria. Example: CGPA and/or ( Arrear / No Caring Arrear/ No Arrear at all ). This will be
done before or after the PPT. Some times companies announce it early before you come for
the PPT. So keep it in mind that, there is some procedure like this, before you get the chance
to write the aptitude test.

3. Aptitude Test 
This is done either online or paper based. The test may consist of the following topics.
1. Quantitative Test ( Included in All Test )
2. Analytical Test
3. Verbal Test
4. Non Verbal Test
5. Puzzles
6. Technical Test ( Eg: C , C++, Algorithm Implementation, RDBMS, etc )
Normally 2 or 3 topics are given. The topics given will vary upon companies. Quants
are very important (Remember R.S.Aggarwal is the Bible).
Based upon the Aps mark, the candidates are short listed for the next step.

4. Group Discussion 
This is conducted by only few companies. GD is conducted in short time say 15 to 20
minutes. There may be 10(roughly) members in each group. Getting chance to speak is less. So
don?t keep mum. Speak out, it?s ur life.

5. Interview 
If you need a job, then you cannot miss this step.
It is divided into 2 steps
1. Technical Interview ( 1 or more rounds )
2. HR Interview
This may be conducted in same panel or different panel. You may not know that. Get
ready for both interviews. Some times both are conducted in a mixed fashion. You people
folks may know this well, because of mock interview experience. But don?t expect a mock
interview kind of action taking place. Ask folks who attended my panel about their interview
experience. Normally they won?t talk too soft or too harsh. Be relaxed and comfortable.
Avoid nervousness, it really suppress your performance.
Ok. That?s the end of the recruitment procedure. They finally select the candidate after
the interview procedure is over. I hope that you would have got some overall idea of how
the recruitment is done.
Comments from my friends:
In 2006, CTS directly conducted interview for the Top 10 students in each class (GCT, CIT, PSG)
without any test. In the same manner in 2007, Intel directly conducted interview for
the top 10 people. Bu this happens very rare.

Preparation Guide
In this you will get to know the do?s, no?s and other essential information.
It comes under two categories. They are
1. Aptitude Test Prep
2. Interview Prep
3. Resume

1. Aptitude Test Prep 
Just think about the competition you have. In order to get short listed for the next
step, you have to score top marks at Aps test. The fact that I can solve any kind of
problem, does not hold true here, because in Aps test you have to solve the problems
in short period of time. For that you have to solve really fast.
Regarding Quants, Analytical, etc you need more practice. Don?t think that ?I
can solve the quants problem, they are easy?, of course you can solve it, but make sure
to solve it in stipulated time.
Eg: Most companies allot hardly a minute for each problem; in that case you have to
be very fast to get short listed.

You have to cross this hurdle to attend the interview or GD. Another is you may not
know what topics will be given in Aps test, except for some familiar companies.
Let us go through step by step procedure for different topics in Aps test.

a) Quantitative Test
b) Analytical Test
c) Verbal Test
d) Non Verbal Test
e) Puzzles
f) Technical Test

a) Quantitative Test 
This is very important, because 95% of the companies conduct this test. You will get 1
min for each problem. Practice is the mantra for success.
Material to be used:
Book: Quantitative Aptitude by R .S. Aggarwal (Imp)
Old Question Papers for practice
Keep it mind that you have to solve fast.
Practice?Practice? Practice?
b) Analytical Test
To get a real feeling about this test, see Barron's GRE Book?s analytical section. This
also needs practice to solve fast.
Material to be used:
Book: Barron's GRE Book
Old Question Papers for practice

c) Verbal Test 
This will be very similar to GRE type questions, for this you need not study all
wordlist. Some may ask you to find error in sentence ( WIPRO ), fill in blank using apt
words, antonyms, analogy, reading comprehension, synonyms, series completion, etc.
Material to be used: 
Book: Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning by R. S. Aggarwal (Imp) 
Barron's GRE Book 
Old Question Papers for practice 
Nearly 30-40% of the companies conduct verbal test. 
Eg: TCS always mix and use their old questions. 
d) Non Verbal Test 
Use the book suggested below. They ask Ques like blood relation, coding-decoding,
anal reasoning, finding odd fig, etc.
Material to be used: 
Book: Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning by R. S. Aggarwal ( Imp) 
Old Question Papers for practice 
20-30% companies conduct this test. It is better to have this group. It will be very 
e) Puzzles 
To my knowledge only very few companies conduct puzzle test.
Eg: Infosys. But you can expect puzzles in interviews (Oracle, Microsoft, D E SHAW).
So prepare well.
Material to be used:
Book: Shakuntala Devi?s Puzzles to puzzle you ( Imp)
Brain Teaser and another book ( I forgot the name)
Old Question Papers for practice
f) Technical Test 
They are conducted under different topics. They are
C ( Very Important )
C++ ( Important )
Data Structures ( few )
Java ( few)
DBMS ( few eg: oracle ) and OS ( few )
Write an Algorithm ( Eg: mock interview )
Microprocessor ( Only Honey Well )
You have to be very strong in C and C++.

For Data Structures be strong in mugging in complexity values, height and all the necessary
theoretical details. For writing algorithm, mostly they may give some problem of their own.
But learn some general problems, such as N Queens Problem, sorting, sorting, etc. This will
be very useful for interview.

Material to be used:
Test ur C Skill ( Solve Completely )
C Under DOS Test ( Solve Completely )
Old Question Papers for practice
This is for aps purpose; I will suggest other books in forthcoming pages.
IMPORTANT: In Aps test, there will be Negative/No Negative Marks for questions.
Some times they are explicitly specified by companies. In other case, depending upon the
company you decide to whether to mark all the questions or not. Some companies give
trap questions ( Eg: Oracle, they sometimes ask abt attending the trap ques during
interview). Be careful in the case of very good companies ( Eg: D E Shaw had Negative
marks , but didn?t specify it ).
Above all this, contacts is very?.. Important.
2. Interview Preparation 
Interview is not only about technical preparation. But it is far beyond that. You have
to market yourself, i.e. you have to impress them in any manner. You have to show
your potential (express your talent: sports, academic, programming, impress with ur
speaking ability, extracurricular, etc? ) .You may be a pisthu or u may great talent,
but everything depends on how u present yourself and deal the situation. This doesn?t
mean that you have to exaggerate your ability beyond the boundaries. Don?t try to
bluff too much.
I am trying to frighten u, but be careful in whatever u speak, because each and every
response from u counts. I am talking abt technical matter but in general.
After attending each interview, discuss the questions and other important things
among yourself. Because you can learn a lot by, knowing do?s and don?t do?s.
Don?t be afraid, shy, nervous and tensed. These will really make u perform below
your potential. If u do have this problem, don?t worry practice yourself by speaking in
English with ur friends, attend more GD, etc. Try to reduce your mistakes before u
attend the interview, because each and every chance are very valuable.
Let me explain things that are to be prepared for interview. Your final result depends 
on lot of factors. Every aspect has to be performed in a satisfying manner. Let me give 
a checklist of items for interview prep. 

a) Tell me About Yourself ( VERY IMPORTANT )
b) Project ( ATLEAST 1 )
c) Knowledge of ur Resume
d) Technical Prep
e) HR Prep
f) Puzzles ( asked in few companies ) 
You may well know abt the dress code. Most of the interviewers will be polite and
friendly. Have a smiling face and be careful about ur manners. Introduce ur self and have
a firm handshake with each members of interview panel. Remember u people never did
this in the mock interview. To say simple I am not laying rules that has to be strictly
followed, but some ways that can impress them. Don?t have too much enthu and degrade
ur self ( Eg: Never give file unasked, Never present project if unasked, don?t argue too
much, be careful in avoiding heated arguments?). Some people try to push things by
themselves without asking, such as giving the project report unasked and telling abt the
project. Don?t sit on the edge of the chair. Sit comfortably and don?t sit in tense manner.
These are not strict protocols. In addition to ur technical preparation, start thinking abt
handling the situation, answering various questions and what u should and should not
do. Get Ready to the HR session.

a) Tell me About Yourself 
Almost 95% percent of the companies ask first to, ?Tell me/us about yourself?. 
This is very very important. Don?t take the risk of making a random speech. Generally 
this should consists of telling about ur self, parents, schooling, college, hobbies, role 
model, strength, weakness, etc.. 
Always be very careful about what u speak, because u should be able to justify your 
statements. Eg: how has engineering helped u solve real problems, how has ur strength 
helped u, if u say ?I help others?, they may ask ? how do u help others, do u lend 
money?. you should be able to speak for at least 10 minutes. They may interrupt u and 
ask questions. Always be ready to give justification of what u speak. If they ask u to stop 
ur speech, end with it. 

b) Project 
Most of the companies ask abt project. Have at least a good project and its report.
Some times the report may be a problem, in those times avoid it. Some companies
may ask u to write the project code even if it is done in VB, ASP. (Eg : Oracle?). Be
ready to handle questions relating to ur project. Some times they ask very practical
c) Knowledge of ur Resume 
The format will be give in plac cell. Don?t worry about it. But be ready to answer
questions regarding all the resume content.
Eg: inconsistent mark in semester
Packages, Hobbies, extracurricular, etc
If u have put working knowledge in linux/ unix, then know some basic abt it,
commands, other essentials, etc.. I mentioned abt knowing VB. I got these question, ? what is
the difference bt VB 3.0 and VB 6.0?. any guess abt my reply . I said ?sir, VB 6 is a higher
version of VB 3?. Even I laughed abt that. But the answer is VB 3 works in 16 bit OS , where
as VB 6 works in 32 bit OS. I hope u would be knowing the difference bt 16 bit and 32 bit OS.
Just imagine what question u can expect. Be cool and get ready for the unexpected.

Let me share my experience abt my hobbies that I mentioned in my resume : listening music,
reading books and magazines, playing cricket, net surfing.
In interviews I got these questions
What browser do u use, its version, its security levels, etc??
What magazines do u read?
What kind of music do u listen, rock, jazz?.etc?
Do u play for college cricket team? I said no
There will be nice, but be careful and don?t get caught. That?s why I said be ready to
answer for all u have put in ur resume

d) Technical Preparation 
It?s not necessary to study all the subjects. But
Let me say what are all necessary for tech prep
1. C, C++
2. At least 1 Field of Interest
4. Data Structures
5. Miscellaneous subj
Regarding technical prep, u should know the difference abt prep for an exam and
interview. In an exam, u can write all those non sense stories. But in interview, u will
come across very simple and basic questions. But think of answering those questions in a
clear, attractive and illustrative manner.
Eg: what is an OS
What is a virtual function
What is operator overloading
What is call by value and call by reference
What is difference bt linux and unix
See that u have to fine tune ur self for answering the technical questions in
interview. I hope u got what I mean here.
C, C++ knowledge is very essential. I still know some people in final year who are still not
confident of C++. If u don?t get it right, get help from ur friends to learn it.
U should be strong in at least 1 subject. They may ask u simple questions; speak about a topic
in that subject
Eg: explain file system
Functions of OS
Some algorithms
Knowledge in DBMS is necessary independent of the Field of interest u choose.
Because most of the people will have knowledge in DBMS. So read it without fail.

For Data Structures, u should know
Algor complexity
Stack, queue, dequeu, hash table, linked list, double link list
Sorting and searching algor
Various Trees
You should know the various search and sorting alg ( ready to explain and implement
approx code ). Operation on linked list. Know the explanation for various trees bin tree,
complete bin tree, strictly bin tree, B tree, B+ tree. u need not learn the operation on B and B+
Some DS Ques
Reversing a linked list
Imple stack using queue
Imple queu usin stack
Deleting (n-k) th node. n-unknown. k-known
Solve N queens problem
What is B Tree, B+ tree, B* tree, red black tree, balanced tree, AVR?

Know all the important algorithms, they will ask u to implem. Some companies ask to
Implem GCD, quicksort, LCM, bin search, etc?
Some companies ask question randomly from ur syllabus. So answering them depends
on ur memory. Have some basic knowledge in Networking, distributed comp/arc.
What is RMI,RPC
What is Dist OS, Net OS
Various Topologies
You need not study DLD, CA, etc unless needed for that company. Eg: study
Microprocessor for Honeywell. Otherwise it?s not needed.
e) HR Preparation 
This is about how and what u speak. Start rediscover about yourself i.e strength,
weakness, etc.. don?t ask others, ? what should I say for my strength, weakness?. U
know better abt ur self than any other. The answer that u get from inner self will be
true and u can justify it. In the case of weakness, make sure it?s not much negative. Eg:
don?t say I hate or don?t like programming. U lose because, we r going into a software
company and how would they recruit u if say I hate progr?
What are ur strength, weakness, objectives ( IMPORTANT )
How does ur friend describe yourself ( IMPORTANT )
Why should I recruit u ( IMPORTANT )
Speak on any topic for particular no of minutes
Do u have any ques to ask
Why did u choose IT
Who is a leader, R u a leader, where has it helped
They will make u make loose talks, be careful of what u speak. Don?t talk of higher
studies, ask abt salary, ill of college, classmates, others.
Know details abt company thru Net.
f) Puzzles 
Few companies ask puzzles in interview. Oracle, D E Shaw.
Some ques are like ? a man is lying dead in a ground. And a packet is around him.
How had he died?
For infosys, they ask u to solve the aps ques, to check whether u have really solved the
prob. Careful with this prob.
Aptitude Books:

Quantitative Aptitude by R .S. Aggarwal
Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning by R. S. Aggarwal
Shakuntala Devi?s Puzzles to puzzle you and her other books
George W Summers Brain Teasers
Barron's GRE Book

Technical Books: 
The C Programming Language by K & R
Deep C
Advanced C Tips and Tricks ( Excellent Book, but hard to get )
Study soft copy of C FAQ
OOP using C++ by Robert Lafore
C++ Complete Reference
Java Complete Reference
Core Java ( Not Necessary )
Make sure you know well ( eg: threads), before you make commitment about your
expertise in java. Keep in mind that, they have more practical exposure than us. Don?t try to
Data Structure and Algorithms
Data Structure using C and C++ by Tenenbaum, Augestein and Langsam
Computer Algorithms by Ellis Horowitz, Sahni and Rajasekaran
( Reference ) ( Yellow Book )
Data Structures, Algor and App using C++ by Sarthaj Sahni
( Reference )
OS by Galvin & Silberschatz
Modern OS by Tanenbau ( use this to study Synchronization Concepts )
OS A Design Oriented Approach by Charles Crowley
( Reference , Excellent Book for deep understanding)
The Design of UNIX OS by Maurice Bach ( UNIX REFERENCE )
You select book of ur choice for DBMS.
Don?t get afraid by the number of books suggested. It is not necessary that you should
study all the books that I have suggested. Each author explains the concepts in a different
perspective. May be you can just make a try with the reference books.
General Books: 

This is not related to placement, but general.
Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus
( Better Opp Sex Understanding, don?t miss to read it )
You can Win
Teaser Questions
1. What is the structure of object file?
2. What is the difference between bt object and executable file?
3. How is a program linked and executed?
4. The CPU Utilization of a computer is 100%. Is it possible to execute a new application
under the above condition?
5. What is the difference bt time sharing, multi programming and multi tasking?
6. What is the difference bt a function and a system call?
7. What is multi threading?
8. What is the difference bt Unix and Linux
9. What are the different OS Architectures?
10. What is Micro Kernel Architecture?
11. What is a signal?
12. What is i-node?
13. What is symbolic and hard link in Unix?
14. Reverse a linked list?
15. Sorting a linked list?
16. Write an efficient C code to multiply a number by 7, 15.
17. What is Virtual function?
18. What is a balanced tree?
19. Why is ellipsis used in C program?
20. Implement a Copy Constructor.
21. How is dynamic memory allocation done?
22. What is polymorphism?
23. What is reference in C++?
24. What is difference bt inline fun and #define
25. What is a namespace?
26. What is a Friend Function?
27. Can destructors be virtual?
28. Can constructors be virtual?
29. What is pure virtual function?
30. What is operator overloading?
31. What is a template?
32. What is RTTI?
33. What is Static and Dynamic type checking?
34. What is downcast?
35. What is difference bt overloaded functions and overridden functions?
36. Can virtual functions be overloaded?
37. What is Memory Leak?
38. What is Wild Pointer?
39. What is final class and final member function?
40. What are COM, ActiveX, and OLE?
41. How can C code call C++ code?
42. How can C++ code call C code?
43. What is private and protected inheritance?
44. Write C code to dynamically allocate memory for 2-D and 3-Darray?
45. What are Structure and Union in C?
46. What are Function Pointer and explain with an example?
47. What is BSS and initialized area?
48. What is assertion in C?
49. What is Lvalue and Rvalue?
50. What is Heap?
I hope that I have covered details that are necessary, but I might have missed a few.
So, continue ur thinking. The difficulties that we faced is that the company did?t come
continuously. There is some time gap bt each company. Even though we confident, that time
gap brings up psychological pressure. It is critical time for u, this is the time to encourage ur
class mates and keep everyone in good spirit. Try to conduct seminars for important subjects
by students who knows the subject very well, it will help a lot.
Don?t be afraid of failures. Learn from it. Never Lose ur Hope. There is a saying, ?Rough
Seas Make Good Sailors?. Because hard times, will make us more mature and help us learn
more. That would be good for our life.
Be Optimistic, Energetic and Confident while attending the interview. Surely
you will achieve success for your great effort and hard work. Always Have the Fire Burning
that it is possible and u win it.

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