Sunday 10 June 2012

Infosys | Placement Paper Pattern (Aptitude) - 05-Jan-2010

Company Name : Infosys
Type : Fresher
Exam/Interview Date : 05-Jan-2010
No of Rounds : Aptitude Test, Client/Manager Interview
Location : Delhi
Written test:
pattern is changed. No puzzles were there. 30 questions 40 mins
  • set 1: a cube question, a cube painted with different colors, some sides and colrs given on the basis of data given find colors on other sides and ans some questions(easy one)
  • set 2: series completion, where some figures are given. practice them from RS agarwal( verbal and non verbal reasoning)
  • set 3: 5-6 data sufficiency qustions, easy but still practice them from MBA preparation stuff
  • set 4: a bar graph question. just calculation based.
  • set 5 : logical reasoning quaetion, heights and weights of some friends given , some conditions given( this was the toughest question) and i couldn't do it at all.
  • set 6: syllogysm like ,all A's are B's , some C's are not A's ( please practice these type of question, otherwise u will get confused there, as these type of question are asked in many companies)
    ENGLISH SECTION:: 40 ques, 30 mins
    V imp section, this is the eliminating section, most guys do not qualify this section's cut off, soo pleez prcatice for verbal scetion, refer MBA stuff, not at higher level but just the most basic level.
    Speed is very important for this section. 2 PASSAGES( very long, dont do them first unless u r very confident on ur verbal section)
    other things: grammer correction ques, conclusion , inference deduce type of question.
    choose the correct sentence question,
    I did one passage at end , i attempted 3 question without reading passage even once, because 2 question were Vocab related, one was v simple.
    not sure but cutoff was 50% verbal and 60 % apti
    HR interview: make simple resume, prepare question like "about urself", hobies, about infosys, current news, etc etc( u mus be knowing all that) i will tell how u answer them nicely.
    Listen guys, no one is perfect neither am I, so if u could'nt figure out ur strengths , weaknesses, impressive hobbies , plez sit and think over, what u do in free time , what u do daily, every one has some good qualities no matter how small they are. study urself a lot as this will help not only in Infosys but everywhere u go for job in ur entire life.
    just dont say ur strenght is hard working or I dont have any weaknesses. I mean what ever u say u must be ready to state instances from ur life and backen it up.
    Rest only Confidence is needed. My Interview went like as if I was busy in discussion with my Friend. it was so nice. I said my strenghts are leam leadership and team working, as I had examples to support them , The interviewer fired Many situation like "what would u do if a person working under u does not do the work u assigned him", "which team would u join , on eteam has all good people, other team has all bothering people", "how u managed ur project in team", "what u learnt when u were House captain in ur school" etc etc.


    Company Name : Infosys
    Type : Fresher, Job Interview
    Hi friends..
        I attended Infy on 5th march, 2010 at RGM, Nandyal (Andhra Pradesh). There are 2 Rounds:-
    Written And HR

    We had 2 report before 9 am in the morning. Then there was a Powerpoint Presentation about the Infosys (about 1 hour). PPT was immediately followed by written test.

    Written Test:
    It consists of 2 sections - reasoning(30 questions,40 min) & vocab(40 ques, 35 min). Sectional Cutoff - Reasoning 60% (18/30), Vocabulary 50% (20/40). For a student who attended CAT is a smooth road to crack the written test.
    REASONING consisted of following questions:-
    Puzzle Test, Very damn easy.. A para was given on the basis of the buttons on the remote control. There are some buttons..
    • BR-seeks the channel to 2 places up (76 to 78, 13 to 15)
    • FC-seeks to our favorite channel
    • EN-seeks to next even numbered channel
    • PN-seeks to next prime numbered channel
    • PC-seeks to next channel
    • PR-seeks to previous channel
    5 Questions are given on the basis of the above data.
    6-10) This is also very easy if u have practice. 5 figures are given in each question. we should pick the odd figured one. u can find these questions in R. S. Agarwal. Very easy ones if u have thorough practice.
    11-15) data sufficiency questions.

    A question n correspondingly 2 statements are given for each question. The options for all the 5 questions are same.
    A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked.
    B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked.
    C. Both statements 1 and 2 together are sufficient to answer the question but neither statement is sufficient alone.
    D. Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
    E. Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient to answer the question asked and additional data is needed to answer the statements.

    Don't practice them from R. S. Agarwal.
    The level of toughness is some what higher than R. S. Agarwal questions. Practice from TIME material.
    16-20) Data Interpretation
    Felt damn tough this one. I didn't do this at all. A table is given n 5 questions are given correspondingly. I felt tough because the data is given in the form of ton, ounce, troy ton, troy ounce, etc. as I don't know this conversion I dint do this.
    21-25) Again Puzzle Test. - easy one.
    Practice all the 6 sections of puzzle test from R. S. Agarwal thoroughly. very easy if u have enough practice. There are 5 music companies HMV, TIPS, T-Series, Venus, Sony. There are 5 films Dhadkan, Fiza, etc, There are 5 music directors A.R. Rahman, Anumalik, Ismail Darbar, etc. 5 questions are given. very easy if you practice well.

    26-30) Syllogisms (Topic: Deductions in TIME, Logic in R. S. Agarwal)
    Very easy if u practice. For concept, refer time material. don't study R. S. Agarwal (You will be messing if u study R. S. Agarwal). So please refer TIME for concept. And practice questions from both time as well as R. S. Agarwal for perfection.
    I did all Syllogisms, Data Sufficiency n 1st puzzle test perfectly. 3 questions from 2nd Puzzle Test. 4 Questions from odd figures. (15 + 3 + 4= 22 questions perfectly). I guessed all the questions of data interpretation.
    VOCABULARY SECTION: Easy if u have strong English Basics (Use of Tenses, Articles, Prepositions, Adjectives etc). Time management is the key and the most n most n most important factor in this section.
    1-5) Reading comprehension. very lengthy one. Given detailed information of bananas, its uses, etc. It was a straight lift from TIME material. First read the question and then read the passage. Try to scan the keywords of the question in the passage firstly. After u get the keyword, try reading from 3 lines before the keyword and 2 lines after the keyword. Try to read as fast as you can.
    6-10) Reading comprehension again. Very lengthy one. Given detailed information of the Sweatshops (Not sweet, it's sweat), Labour, Human rights, etc. Follow same tips.
    11-18) Sentence correction.(practice from TIME). A very lengthy sentence is given. and the wrong part is underlined. 4 options are given. choose the correct one.
    19-26) Sentence CompletionA blank is given in the question. pick the correct answer from the 4 options.
    27-34) Sentence Correction4 sentences are given. All the 4 sentences are same with slight grammatical differences. Off from 4 sentences, Only 1 is correct. Choose the correct one.
    35-40) InferencesEach question has a passage. 4 statements are given for each question. Pick up the appropriate inference.
    All the sentences given in sentence completion and sentence correction are very lengthy. According to my knowledge, I did almost 30-35 questions correctly. I completed the vocabulary test in 23 min only. And I had 7 min to recheck the paper.
    The answer sheet is given along with a blank paper for rough work. 1st reasoning question paper is given. after the completion of 40 min, reasoning question paper (not the answer sheet) is taken back. n vocabulary question paper is given.

    I attended the HR. interviewer was around the age of 50. For HR I prepared common questions like tell me about yourself, Hobbies, Activities in college, Leadership Skills etc...
    I was expecting these questions but it was like a short pitch bouncer bowled at 160 kmph case for me. Only question I was asked is "don't tell me anything. Just tell about your project. don't tell anything other than this." In-spite-of this I managed well. So I advise you all to prepare well for your project also. My interview was completed at 4 pm in the evening.

    Company Name: Infosys
    Type: Fresher, Job Interview
    Exam/Interview Date : 5th March 2010
    No of Rounds : Aptitude Test, Client/Manager Interview
    Contributor Name : Vamshi Krishna. N.S.
    Hi all, 
    Infosys came at Hindustan College of Science and Technology, Mathura on 17th of feb,2010. Hindustan and Anand College are part of Sharda Group of Institutions. So both of the colleges were appearing for infy. I dont know the exact figures of Hindustan but from my college 232 candidates were short listed out of which 22 were finally selected and i am one of the lucky one.
    Their criteria was 60,60 and 65(in B-Tech). There was no leniency on percentage. Even 64.99 was not allowed. Out of 232 only 23 were able to clear the written examination and 22 were finally selected. So the MAIN part is written....WORK HARD FOR IT....GIVE YOUR BEST!!!!
    There were 2 rounds:
    • Aptitude Test
    • Reasoning Section
    • Verbal Section
    • HR interview
    In aptittude test there was sectional cut-off,reasoning paper was easy and the verbal one was average but the main problem was sectional cut-off which i think was high so be accurate and attempt a lot(there was no negative marking). Also just dont go for fluke like marking all b's....If u are going for fluke then also do it  smartly because i think they even check that.
    Reasoning Section (30 ques, 40 min)- RS Aggarwal Verbal
    • 5 ques on Data Sufficiency{easy}
    • 5 ques on Series(figure Interpretation){again easy}
    • 5 ques on Data Intrepretation{average}
    • 5 ques on Puzzle{normal}
    • 5 ques on another Puzzle{a bit difficult and time taking}
    • 5 ques on Syllogism{easy if practised}
    Verbal Section(40 ques, 35 min)---deciding factor[time management is required]
    • Two passages and 5 question from each passages{Do it at the last as passages are lengthy and time taking.Also before reading the passage see the question one time.}
    • Sentence Correction{Be careful about tense mistake, spelling mistake, using of  pronoun. My opinion mark the option which clicks you first and dont waste too much time on this part...Rest is at your wish}
    • Fill in the Blanks{These were mostly prepositions..Do this part also fast}
    • Theme Detection
    • Identification of some supporting or weakening sentences about a paragraph given.
    I am sure if you are well prepared then reasoning part can be done easily(BUT BE ACCURATE & ATTEMPT MAXIMUM) but manage your time well for verbal(as time given is less and questions  are more). Just prepare well for written as interview is an easy part(in case of infy i should say as they select aprrox 90% of students who had cleared the apti)
    HR Interview:Now the final section. The best way to face the interview is to stay calm and polite. Amswer confidently and if you dont know any answer then admit can say "Sorry sir I'm unable to recollect it right now" instead of directle saying "sorry". Main thing is to speak confidently....Make yourself presentable.
    My Experience:HR was cool though there were situations at which he pressurised me but just to divert me from my calm nature(which i told him as my strong point). I was the last one to go for interview so was pretty much relaxed and was not nervous at all (don't know why)...My interview was a funny one instead of being serious.
    Me: Sir please may i come in.
    HR: Yes.
    Me: Good Evening sir.
    HR: Good Evening and have a seat. Fill up this form( he gave me form)
    Me: While i was filling the form there i had to mention time of interview but i dont had  watch so i asked him for time(a blunder so always take your watch)
    HR: Tell me about yourself(A general question just to check your confidence level)
    Me: I told him all my details and when i was out of matter i said to him "That's it"
    HR: That's it(in an unusual way)
    Me: By his reaction I again continued telling him about my social service events which were the part of my resume...(he was intersted in that) BY THIS TIME I WAS TOO RELAXED
    HR: Interuppting me "Boy it doesn't seems to be that you are here for the interview"
    Me: Why sir.
    HR: You are not like your other batchmates who were tensed and nervous and were also serious.You are too calm and relaxed.
    Me: Sir i cant help it out as i am like that only..may be this is because calmness is my  strong point..
    HR: Is this your first interview?
    Me: Yes sir..
    HR: Ok tell me more about yourself?
    Me: At this point i took a pause as i was completely out of matter at that point, then after thinking i diverted him to my hobbies and explained that.
    HR: What was your most embarrasing moment?
    Me: (This one was unexpected)I answered..
    HR: Can you explain it that what exactly happened(related to embarrasing moment)
    Me: Sorry sir i don't want to discuss it right now..It's personal
    HR: He pressurised me..
    Me: Again i said sorry in a rude way(as i got frustrated)
    HR: If you will tell me i'll surely select you..
    Me: I sticked to my point..
    HR: You were saying that you are a calm person and now you are getting frustrated?
    Me: Sorry sir for being rude but its really personal...bla bla bla
    HR: Why should i hire you?
    Me: I told him my strength and other things...Then said "As you know I'm an electrical engineer and may be one day while working in your company you would call me up and say hey Shrey my table lamp that time I will be present there with a screw-driver and will repair it within few minutes. So I'll serve you as a software engineer cum electrician always at you service. (This one was good and he was smiling at the answer)
    HR: Ohhhh!!!!
    Me: Sorry sir for cracking the joke..
    HR: No problem...Boy you have a good sense of humour...
    Me: Thank you sir...
    HR: Anything that you want me to ask?
    Me: I directly said no as i was not at all prepared for the interview and was not knowing how to answer such type of questions.
    HR: ok that's it..
    Me: Nice being here and eagerly waiting to meet you again. I left...{That was all and finally I was selected}

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